Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Project Idea

         For my final photography project I am doing dramatic black and white portraits of people that express a lot of raw emotion. I Have looked a lot into it and it looks best with people that have more detail and rougher wrinkly skin because it ads more drama to the black and white. The reason i decided to do this is because a photographer i am really inspired by does stunning street photography of homeless people, and he really captures their emotion so well. I love his work and I am very inspired by it, and its something that I really like so i really wanted to try it for my final project. I know this will be difficult sense I don't live in a place with a lot of homeless people, but there are a lot of interesting looking people that I see walking around. I don't want to try to copy his work but i'm so inspired and interested in it that I really want to do the same idea for my project. A lot of people do this type of photography but the best that i've seen is by Lee Jeffries. I really hope to accomplish getting the raw emotion that he is able to capture so well. I also thought about going even further into this and taking a photograph of all the different emotions like, happy, sad, anger, fear, and so on.

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